This blog features case law related to real estate, land use, zoning, and municipal law in Pennsylvania

Tag: aggrieved person

City Has Standing to Bring FHA Suit Based on Discriminatory Lending Practices by Banks, Remands on Proximate Cause Issue

In this Fair Housing Act (“FHA”) claim out of Florida, the Supreme Court was asked to decide whether a municipality has standing to bring a claim under the FHA, and whether there is a sufficient causal link between predatory lending practices within minority communities and the negative effects on municipalities that result in those communities due to high foreclosure rates. The Court held that municipalities do have standing to bring FHA claims, but remanded to the lower courts to decide the issue of proximate cause.

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Standing Challenges In Home Rule Jurisdictions Must Be Made Before The Trial Court, Not The ZHB/ZBA

In a zoning case out of Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court cleared up some lingering confusion over the differing “aggrieved person” standards applied in Municipalities Planning Code (MPC) versus Home Rule jurisdictions. The court determined that while challenges to standing had to be raised before the zoning appeals board in MPC jurisdictions, in Home Rule jurisdictions they could be raised before the trial court.

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